About Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Lutheran’s vibrant outreach ministry includes supporting community endeavors, regional and global benevolence partners, our in-house community food pantry, a preschool, Lutheran World Relief quilting/personal care/school kit assembly, our Young Blessing preschool, providing space for Amherst Serenity AA group, as well as hosting multiple Red Cross Blood drives a year. It provides support for the local school and community projects including 4H and Scouts. 

Peace’s vital Inreach includes a quality educational program, communion visits for the homebound from pastors and members, a card and gift ministry, care packages for college students, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, after school activities, and premarital relationship counseling. Pastoral and crisis care is offered by the congregation as we provide educated, trained, and experienced pastors for those in grief or crisis. 

Peace Council

2023 Annual Report - Peace

History - Peace

General Offerings - Peace